Name- Mike Walker
Location-Deltona Florida
Years racing- 20
How did you get into RC?
It was with a group of friends. We didn’t have money at the time for full scale racing, so RC filled that void. Started in my back yard with some home built ramps with some Tmaxx and Savage trucks and the rest is history.
Biggest race attended-There are sooooo many. I have been to all the Racetime events, PNB, Wicked Weekend, SIC as well as Fuel Nationals to name a few.

Favorite Track you have raced
My favorite track/event has to be Wicked Weekend. The layouts Bobby Moore has put in over the years as well as the surface has developed into a great race surface. As well and just as important, the atmosphere that Dave Leikam has cultivated for this even is second to none.
Also, I cannot forget Boggy Creek. That facility here in Florida, I believe, shaped the future for a lot of RC racers.
Favorite Driver ever
That’s a hard one, lol. There is sooooo much talent in the USA as well as Europe, it’s hard to pick one, however I have to say my favorite would be my son, Trent Walker. I Still remember the first race that he begged me to race a nitro buggy and here he is now making the A mains at every event we attend. That makes me proud, happy and priceless memories.

In your Years in Rc how has it changed for the good and bad?
The Good part is easy, the technology in the cars,engines and tires as well as the scoring systems have taken our sport to new levels. With people like Joseph Quagraine, Kevin Abbot, Jason Ruona, just to name a few, their passion for development has also revolutionized the hobby.
Persons in RC you look up to?
I think rather then look up to, it would more be professionally respect. Not because I’m a team member, but because my life experience has sent me though some of the same paths. That person would be Joseph Quagraine. His slogan, “Against the Odds” is so fitting for not just the struggles to succeed in RC, but with life in general. It is so hard in today’s society to have a “Dream” and against all odd have the heart and determination to see it through.

Most memorable moment in your time in RC?
When I was standing on the driver stand racing with my son Trent, side by side and having him win. It was a very large local race and his first ever win. The memory of that night will stay with me to the grave.
Advice for younger drivers?
“Have Fun First!” Do not let yourself or anyone else pressure you for results. If you have fun, practice as much as you can, the results will come naturally.

Any hobbies outside of RC?
I enjoy going to concerts with my better half. I also still build the engines and assist in tuning on a twin turbo drag car. Pretty much my whole background is professional racing in one aspect or another

Anything you wish to add from your years of experience in the hobby?
I think foremost, as I stated earlier, you have to have fun first. Our lives are too short to be angry. There is always a lesson to learn and grow from. Practice as much as you can as that is what will bring you results.

Shout Out /thanks to anyone?
First and foremost, I have to thank my wife to be Shana. She puts up with this hobby/addiction that we all take part in. Without her I wouldn’t be where I am today in my life.
I would like to thank,
JQ Products – Joseph Quagraine and Keenan White for taking a chance on my Son and I.
Werks Racing – for providing us reliable engines. I believe Werks is the most underrated engines in our hobby. Quality second to none.
Trinity- for giving us the opportunity to represent the electric side. The help we have received from Kevin Abbot has been instrumental in the development of our electric program.
Hobbywing- the most reliable electronics in RC
Jconcepts- for providing us with in my opinion the best rubber in the industry.
Hitec- our longest running supported product, 20 years, the only servos that I have bolted in our rides. That should say something!
KG Kustom Grapics- A world championship painter that has always kept our rides looking professional.
Nitro Pro- for fueling the fire!
PT Racing Oils- Hands down the best oils that we have had the pleasure to use.
Beach RC- helping supply us with what we need to compete
Boca Bearings – keeping our wheels rolling.
M2c Racing- actively helping to develop innovative winning products.