Name- Mike “Bam-Bam” Bellotti (DOT3 to some of my Teammates)
Location- Sunny South Florida (Fort Lauderdale To be Exact)
Years racing-? 20
How did you get into RC?
My dad was the president of my local track (Mills Pond, currently run by one of the hardest workers I’ve ever met, Fred Morales) back in the mid 80’s, My dad naturally started me driving with his Tamiya Lunchbox and Bolink Invader! From the first time i touched a transmitter at 4 Years old (Magnum JR lol) i was hooked!

Biggest race attended?
I have attended A LOT of races, but I think the most important was the 2018 ROAR 1/8 Fuel Nats very memorable time with my teammates as well as The Ginger and Lefty Show!
Favorite Track you have raced?
Wiregrass Indoor Nationals 2009 in Alabama. It was a rodeo arena that was super sandy, Smooth to start, but Blew out so bad it reminded me of MX338 (Southwick, Mass. for my non Moto guys) it was blown out and insane, holes so deep you would lose your car, but you could tell who the motocross guys were, cause we were all holding it wide open up on the top of the berms throwing roost like a Transworld MX photo Shoot in the Dunes LOL

Favorite Driver ever? Tie between Maifield And Masami-San
In your Years in Rc how has it changed for the good and bad?
It has definitely changed for the good in terms of technology, and as far as how its changed for the bad, Id like to keep this focused on the good, too much negativity in R/C lately as is!

Persons in RC you look up to?
Keenan White, Alfredo Morales, Randy Deppen, Bart Collins, and all of the other OG Mills pond guys that raised me lol
Most memorable moment in your time in RC?
At nats this year, i had the bump spot covered and a freak accident found my truggy armless in the rear, i said “im done!” loud enough for people to hear on the pit lane and we all laughed our asses off!

Advice for younger drivers?
Understand That this is all For fun, and that if you ever need any help and see me at a large race, never hesitate to ask for help. Also when things arent quite going your way, but your car is in one piece, Always and i mean ALWAYS finish your main. Ive won races when i was all the way in the back halfway through the race! in other words, NEVER GIVE UP!

Any hobbies outside of RC?
Motocross, drag Racing, FISHING!

Anything you wish to add from your years of experience in the hobby? As a Matter of fact i would, Have fun, Make memories on and off the track, Be courteous, clean your pit spot when you leave. Dont be a sandbagger, and most of all share the knowledge you have, as a lot of guys treat tips, tricks, and general racing knowledge as like it were black magic, and refuse to share info or help others go faster. that drives people away. share your knowledge, help others grow, and the hobby should follow!

Shout Out /thanks to anyone?
Shout out Lefty, JQ, Liam, Derf, Jamin, Randy Deppen, Amtrak, Kenny P, And A huge Shoutout To all the haters!, cause without you, I wouldnt have the motivation i do!

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